our services - what we do
Accelerating global challenges and opportunities in mobility will mean business as usual in twenty, ten, or even five years, will be radically different to what we have known before.
In an age of turmoil where visibility on the future is low, one thing is clear: being able to anticipate and plan for change is more critical than ever, but few businesses have strong capabilities in this area. The missing link is often not information but the ability to translate trends and changes into actions that can drive future success.
Our ultimate aim is to help organizations and their leaders translate information about the changes in mobility, particularly autonomous transport, into positive actions today that can drive future success. The strategic inspiration of trends analysis is necessary but not sufficient: insights into what it means for your organization and corresponding action is the goal.
Depending on where your organization is in the process for moving from information to action, each of our services can be tailored to your needs.
Research activities focus on providing inspiration, both about the implications of change, and about how to move from trends to action. Our reports provide frameworks and analysis of key areas of change e.g. autonomous transport, digitization, demographic and social shifts, offering insights for all organisations into the potential implications of major changes We also undertake customized research for clients on specific technologies and topics. e.g. technology innovation assessments, market opportunities, process improvement, facility planning and evaluations.
Educational activities focus on expanding understanding and application of global trends in mobility and autonomous transport among your target audience. This includes developing general and customized educational materials, e.g. case studies, trend overviews and tool kits to explore the specific implications of trends for your organization.
We also work with leading companies, educational institutions, business networks and conferences to create executive education and trend exploration sessions that bring global trends to action thinking into your organization.
Annually we organise two international Study Tours for executives to Europe and North America. These Study Tours focus on the latest developments and applications and are tailored in part to the industry priorities of the participants.
We offer significant experience with leading organisations in developing fully customized programs and sessions to drive strategy and innovation, as well as broader workshops on trends to strategic action and innovation.
We also undertake speaking engagements on developments in mobility, autonomous transport and the larger sustainability issues that these technologies can contribute to economic and environmental improvement.
Strategy is about looking forward to the mobility options of the future, understanding the strengths of your organization and the opportunities and challenges faced, to build a vision, develop options for success, make informed choices, and plan to achieve it.
Trends are a first input, but ultimately developing strategy is about harnessing hearts and minds to develop a compelling vision and taking action on it.